Last weekend was one of those beautiful ones where everything was lovely and well with the world. This was very nice considering the car sadness of late.
On Friday my lovely mother picked me up from work and drove me down to Hastings. We had my favourite meal – a kebab from CafĂ© Anatolia (if you’re ever in Hastings, you must eat there) for dinner then spent the night catching up with the grandparents. On Saturday morning I went to the gym with my sister, which was good fun, then that afternoon my sister, mother and I went around Napier for a bit. The weather was divine. Later on, le sister and I shared a drink and a plate of salt and pepper calamari along the waterfront, just enjoying each others’ company and the splendid sun. That night we had a roast with the grandparents, and then watched a movie. So nice. On Sunday I went to church with the mothership, and caught up with one of my best friends whilst there. I got the bus back to Palmy that afternoon and chilled out back at the flat for the rest of the night.
Then it was fabulous waking up on Monday morning knowing I didn’t have to work! (4 day weekend here in NZ). In the morning I went to the gym then cleaned the house a bit. Spent the rest of the day with le garcon (walk, bird watching, bowling, dinner, movies). SO NICE.
Aaaaaaaan it’s Wednesday already!! Wooop!! This means only two more days and it’s the weekend again!! Love it.
Hope you all had great weekends readers