Sunday, 6 November 2011

Chicken, a Champion and Chills

Sup g's. Sorry I haven't blogged for a while, I've been occupied with studying for these very near exams!! I'm not looking forward to them but cannot wait for them to be over because that means moving back to the bay to be around friends and in the sun!! Had a pretty decent weekend, as I had two lovely visitors stay with me on Friday and Saturday night. One was the bestie and the other was a close friend of hers who was playing in a squash tourney. Friday night we watched the first of his squash games which was very entertaining because the guy he was playing got rather agro when he kept losing points. He kept yelling and even rugby-style drop-kicked his racket at one point. Lol at some people's inability to handle defeat. Saturday he played his two other games and ended up winning his draw! mean! (hence the 'champion' in the title hehe). We went to Nando's for dinner which was yumas then went and watched Paranormal Activity 3 at the cinema, which despite being very chill-inducing and creeeeeeeeepy, was soooo fun to watch because there was a group of big staunch maori boys next to us who were getting really freaked out! They were hilarious, and made it more comical which was a nice relief! The movie was really good though, very intense!! I recommend seeing it at the movies (even though it's on the big screen) because it's ironically less freaky than watching it at home, in the dark, when it's silent....
See if the trailer creeps you out!

Sadly my guests had to leave today :( but it was nice to have them here. I just wish I hadn't had the looming exams in the back of my mind the whole time. But ooooooooh well. Hope you've had a great weekend! 

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