Saturday 2 July 2011

It's funny life ae

Since last blog post: coffee dates, work, friends (tv series as well as seeing friends), dinner dates, homemade mcflurries, reading, eating far too much, ipod, washing, first legal roadie!!, minimal facebook, phonecalls, amazing showers, grandparents, amazing sleep-ins...!!
It has been bliss :)
And whoa! This is my 41st post! Sheesh, they build up fast!
May not be blogging much over the next week as my bestie and I are taking a roadie up to Hamilton tomorrow. Super excited. I'm going to try and document the week in photos so hopefully I will have pics to share.
Another catchup over kumara chips and a horror movie planned tonight...can't wait!
This post's title is something I said once and has since become something said rather often amongst my friends ;)

On another note, I have never really been a big fan of Bradley Cooper (The Hangover I and II, Valentines Day, Limitless, Wedding Crashers)............until I saw this interview

ttyl xx

1 comment:

  1. How about that! Impressive. Did you understand any of it? I heard him say "Je ne comprend pas" towards the end there, and caught a few random words like "l'autre", "vraiment", "j'adore", "travail","George Clooney" and she was complimenting him on his ability with the language at the end. I wonder how he can speak it so well?


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