Monday, 29 August 2011


Omigoodness me you would not believe how stoked I was after I handed my assignment in today. Freakin ae. So I woke up this morning all set to finish the last 300 words before 5pm, went to open it on my comp and the folder was empty. No kidding. This caused a massive freak out and attempts at everything you could think of to try and recover my essay. Even went to the computer repair shop next door to try and get it back. But alas, it was gone. Un-retrievable.
So I had less than 8 hours to write a 2000 word essay on a really difficult subject, which would usually take me about 4 days.
Somehow, with massive amounts of adrenaline pumping (at the thought of losing out on ten percent and failing to hand something in for the first time in my life), I managed to finish before 4pm. I tell ya though, it was intense. But in the end, I was quite pleased with it.
But that level of stress was toooo much ta handle!
So this may sound like an over-reaction but it's a big deal to me. Have never felt the level of relief I felt after handing this particular assignment in!!!!

Now feeling totes pleased that it's over with so laxing with a movie tonight.
Oh and yesterday we went to the Chatham Cup final at Memorial Park coz a guy I knew was playing. It was awesome. The atmosphere was amazing, the stadium was packed and the supporters of the team I was going for were making a rukus. It was epic. Though my team didn't win, it was a great game :)

What to put on here today? Hmmmmmmmmmmmm. I think I will put up some purely awesome pics.


Mind blown.

Thursday, 25 August 2011

How Harry Potter Should Have Ended

So uni finished today, well classes for 2weeks anyho. That's pretty awesome! I won't be able to feel free, however, until after I have handed in my TV studies assignment on Monday (cruel right, making it due the first day of the break, thereby making us come into uni...I'm sure some lecturers are evil..). So there's my weekend gone! However, because we had a mid-semester test today, I handed in an assignment yesterday, NZNTM is on tonight and coz, well, it's Friday, I am going to take it easy tonight. Yay.
The other day I came across this absolutely awesome clip on Youtube by these people who make cartoon vids of how blockbusters should have ended. I cannot even begin to describe how cool it is so, watch it!

J&J, I think you will particularly appreciate this :)

Tuesday, 23 August 2011

Dear future boyfriend

So you don't know me yet, but I've been waiting for you for a loooong time, and I can't wait to meet you! I think about you a lot, and all the fun times we will have together. I know your plane crashed in Africa (but you were completely fine of course) and you're walking home which is why you've taken so long to get to me, but could you please hurry up? I want to skip the waiting and get to the fun, lovely part. When you play your guitar and sing to me. When we have kitchen adventures together, cooking up all sorts of wonderful things and laughing non-stop while we're at it. When we have movie and chocolate nights, curled up all snug by the fire. And we'll toast marshmallows. We'll watch the rugby together and do the haka and dissolve into fits of laughter. We'll always be smiling. You'll always make me smile.

A few other things...

you'll look cute even when you're frustrated

you'll love your music, just like me 

your fashion sense will never cease to amaze me

your eyes will be so easy to get lost in...

you will always be laughing

we'll both have cool hair cuts

I won't mind if you look like this...

So yeah, can't wait to meet you. Please show your face soon :)

Sunday, 21 August 2011

Much love Monday :)

Hello lovelies. Today has been a wonderful day. I woke up this morning and told myself to just be happy. Don't dwell on things that are sad to dwell on, coz what's the point? Think about things, people, places etc that put you in a pleasant frame of mind. And you know what, it actually worked! Though there was nothing out of the ordinary about today, and it's Monday which is not my favourite day of the week, it was a good day!
Tehehe I think that perhaps I have been watching/consuming too many corny things. These last couple of posts are very cheesy. Sorry bout that. are some things I love today:

  • The super cool blazer I wore today for the first time
  • The sun being out!!
  • A new blog I found - honey and fizz
  • The intense conversation about Roald Dahl's 'The Witches' I had with Jordan and Wiebe at the bus stop
  • Sitting next to the window in my forensic linguistics lecture and seeing soooooooo much eye candy walking by down below (I was on the 2nd floor)
  • Being able to appreciate their visual deliciousness and style, totally unbeknownst to them (just realised how creepy that sounds!)
  • The new game I am playing with my iPod - putting it on shuffle and making myself not skip any songs. It's amazing how many gems I've re-discovered!!
  • The fact that I am over halfway through my degree!
  • My Deathly Hallows Ring. Wore it today for the first time :)
  • That I will be seeing my beautiful friends and family in not too long. Gosh I miss them
And some pics that I love today...

this bar trolley - mean!

wow - I want to be here



I love you too, my readers :) All three of you :) 

Saturday, 20 August 2011

Woe is me

After a great weekend, one of my best friends and favourite flattie has moved out. She's gone. As corny and cliche as this sounds, it is actually like there is something missing from the house already. Like a part of us is gone. Like a puzzle missing the last piece.
Lawl, that's a bit OTT but you get the picture...I miss her!
A song to match this feeling:

Take the words of this song and apply it to really good friends. That pretty much sums it up.

Tuesday, 16 August 2011

Love + Marriage

Uni has been nuts this week. I have assignments due left, right and centre. It's good though, keeping busy is good. I also had work today before class at 2pm which was stressful bcoz the boss was stressed.....haha. So to come home from all that nuts-ness and read my fav blogs, have a mocha and watch a couple episodes of friends is just bliss :)
And I came across these beautiful pics of Kate Moss's wedding.
They make me want to get married.

the pictures come from Vogue
so magical

Monday, 15 August 2011


So, today it snowed. This is very odd for where I live because it pretty much never snows. It was weirdly sunny with blue skies all day then round 3pm it clouded over and the sky opened up (over me and you...) and down came snow! And not even a small amount, I'm talking lots. It was so exciting. The flatties and I took a trip up the saddle road to get amongst it and wow. what a view. It was spectacular. Whiteness literally covered all the mountains etc. Then as we headed back to the city, it started snowing so that when we got home, my car and our front and back yards were completely white. Oh so cool.
I have some pics of the winter wonderland.....

It didn't look like much as we headed up the saddle road...

But once we got there there was no green in sight!

Jaclyn enjoying it :)

Both of us enjoying it...

Our backyard went from this... this!!

front yard

notice how covered my car is!

It was awesome :) Hopefully tomorrow everything will be covered!
Oh also, I am Giant on Friday night were pretty awesome! The Royal was super hot and sweaty though, so much so that the walls and ceiling were dripping with condensation! ew. I came away with the sweat of like 50 diff people on me. yukyukyuk. And some guys made a mosh pit right in front of the stage (where we had been standing) so we had to move coz we were getting pushed, stepped on, sweated on and fallen on. Buuuut other than that.....the band was really good! I would definitely recommend seeing them live. And Shelton Woolright, the semi-famous drummer, was small! haha and so skinny! Weird.

Also, this post counts as Much love Monday because I loved the snow :)

Thursday, 11 August 2011


Heading to I am Giant tonight and suuuuuuuuper excited for it! This is an awesome upcoming NZ band whose music is excellent. Then heading to a dubstep night afterwards at our fav nightclub which should be gud! I'm excited all round. Getting ready for it now (painting nails, straightening hair, deciding on outfit...etc)
Here is my favourite I am Giant song:

YAY :)

Tuesday, 9 August 2011

Etsy love

Whilst perusing Etsy this morning, I came across a few things I would love to own. For those of you who don't know, Etsy is an online store where anyone can sell handmade wares. It's amazing to look through the stores, some people are so talented! Here are some things I wish for...

Deathly Hallows Ring
Deathly Hallows ring (!) from this store

Vintage Cameras set of 3 photo blocks
Set of 3 vintage prints from this store

Handmade recycled Atlas Envelopes
Atlas envelopes from this store

Vintage Teacup Necklace : Oriental Blue / Silver
Teacup necklace from this store

Navy blue striped collar dress
Cute collared dress from this store

Wooden bookmark - subject headings
Wooden bookmarks from this store

Leather Satchel
Leather satchel from this store

It's awesome how many beautiful things you can buy right here in NZ! (these are all NZ stores) 

Monday, 8 August 2011

Much love Monday :)

After reading this blog and this blog, I've decided to follow suit and do a regular 'Much love Monday' section which will showcase things that I currently love. This may involve images, people, songs, lists...just whatever I love on that particular Monday.
Today was a great day, for some reason I was super cheery all day and you know what? It's fun! Despite the weather being cold and despite the showers being out of order at the gym and having to drive home all sweaty and yuk and despite the fact that I am being inundated with uni work, I was super happy! Like not my usual happy, mega happy. I wonder why.
Anyho....the things that I am loving on this particular Monday (8/8/2011) are...
  • Watching Friends in the warm, comfy lounge with two awesome flatties (ily x)
  • My Onesie
  • Winter comfort food....soup with crusty rolls and roasts
  • My eccentric, not afraid to be 'geeky' uni friends
  • The fact that people I know but don't really know say hi to me at uni
  • The haircut of the guy in my WWII paper. It's awesome, shaved one one side then sorta long with a sweet  fringe on the other side (think skrillex but short). It totes suits him and his style.
  • The postcard I got from my sister today :)
  • That the awesome All Black's totally annihilated the Wallabies. We rock.
And some pictures I love....

Beautiful. I love.

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